
Water Friendly Yards

With water restrictions happening all over the state, now is a good time to consider ways to conserve water in your own life. This year we are doing a drought tolerant yard in the front, it's south facing and requires a lot of water to keep our grass green. 
People see drought tolerant yards as being dust pits or unattractive. Using large stone, concrete, rocks, and drought tolerant plants that attract local wildlife can create a beautiful place that also reduces water consumption. 

Give us a call when you are ready to start your next project.


Spring cleaning

We all collect so much stuff throughout the year. Spring is a good time of year to start fresh and clear out all this clutter. Start early and start small to get motivated for spring cleaning. Starting with small areas like closets, pantries, and the fridge is always a good place to begin. Keep working your way through simple tasks until you ready to tackle the bigger projects. 

Give us a call to reserve your bin.


New Year declutter goals

Time to get rid of the clutter we have piled up over the year. I like to start small to get myself motivated and to avoid feeling overwhelmed. The best place to start is the junk drawers and closets as they seem to gather a lot of unnecessary items. Once I clean those out I work my way through all the clothes, coats, towels, and bedding. I then work my way from room to room clearing away clutter. The best rule to follow is... if you haven't used it in more than year then it's probably time to consider tossing it. This time of year you can usually find good deals on organizational containers. 

Don't forget to book your bin, it will make decluttering much easier.
Call us today-


Christmas Special


Home maintenance myths

 Here are 6 maintenance myths you need to know about:

Solid surface countertops are indestructible. Heat and hard hits can cause damage.

Smoke detectors test buttons ensure they work. Use smoke from a candle or match to test it. 

Short lawns mean less mowing. Keep lawns 1-3 inches. 

You save energy when the AC is off when you're not home. Your AC has to work overtime to cool your house when you get home.

No gutter maintenance is needed with gutter guards. Smaller debris can still get in and cleaning may still be needed. 

Permits for renovations aren't necessary. Make sure to contact your local planning office before starting a major project or build. 

Cold weather prep

  Holidays are coming and usually that's when we are at our busiest. Take some stress off your plate by doing some cold weather prep now. Here is a simple list to get you started:

Prune plants, trees, and any bushes.

Rake leaves as they fall to keep rot off your grass.

clean out your garage and storage areas.

Check your furnace and filter.

Clean out roofing gutters and check downspouts for any blockages.

Consider carpet cleaning to get rid of the summer dirt.

Prep lawn with fall fertilizer and make sure to keep your lawn cut to at about 2-2 1/2 inches long. This is ideal to prevent snow mold and not too short to stress your grass during the winter. Now is a good time to overseed, just make sure to aerate first.

Check you seals around windows and doors.

Before it starts to reach freezing temperatures shut down sprinklers and drain outside faucets.

 Cover patio furniture and make sure to store your yard equipment and make any required preparations.

Save a trip

 Don't spend your time going back and forth to the landfill. 

Did you know that our 20 Yard Dumpster can hold the same amount as 8 pickup trucks loads? 

Rent a dumpster for a simple & friendly process